

A Serc egy antihisztamin-szer, amelyet Meniere-kór kezelésére használnak, hogy csökkentik a szédülés, a fülben csengõ epizódok (fülzúgás), hallásvesztés vagy nehézség következményeit. Ez a gyógyszer javítja a belső fül véráramát. Csökkenti a nyomás felhalmozódását.
Csomagolás Per tabletta Ár Megtakarítás Megrendelés
180 tablet
Ft 276.32
Ft 49737.52Ft 276.32
Ft 60720.69
120 tablet
Ft 294.70
Ft 35363.58Ft 294.70
Ft 38275.23
90 tablet
Ft 331.50
Ft 29835.14Ft 331.50
Ft 25393.96
60 tablet
Ft 405.11
Ft 24306.70Ft 405.11
Ft 12512.70
30 tablet
Ft 613.66
Ft 18409.70Ft 613.66
Csomagolás Per tabletta Ár Megtakarítás Megrendelés
180 tablet
Ingyenes Légiposta Hot
Ft 491.31
Ft 88436.60Ft 491.31
Ft 50769.50
120 tablet
Ingyenes Légiposta Hot
Ft 552.69
Ft 66322.84Ft 552.69
Ft 26481.22
90 tablet
Ingyenes Légiposta Hot
Ft 626.35
Ft 56371.65Ft 626.35
Ft 13231.40
60 tablet
Ft 699.96
Ft 41997.71Ft 699.96
Ft 4404.32
30 tablet
Ft 773.37
Ft 23201.02Ft 773.37
Csomagolás Per tabletta Ár Megtakarítás Megrendelés
180 tablet
Ingyenes Légiposta Hot
Ft 696.07
Ft 125292.86Ft 696.07
Ft 60352.13
120 tablet
Ingyenes Légiposta Hot
Ft 736.97
Ft 88436.60Ft 736.97
Ft 35326.73
90 tablet
Ingyenes Légiposta Hot
Ft 773.78
Ft 69639.90Ft 773.78
Ft 23182.59
60 tablet
Ft 828.96
Ft 49737.52Ft 828.96
Ft 12144.14
30 tablet
Ft 1031.36
Ft 30940.83Ft 1031.36



  • Abbott


  • Meniere's Disease / Vertigo / Ringing In The Ears (tinnitus) / Hearing Loss / Hearing Difficulty

Betahistine tablet

What is this product?

Serc is an antihistamine agent used for the treatment of Meniere's disease, to decrease episodes of vertigo, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), hearing loss or hearing difficulty. This medicine works by improving blood flow in the inner ear. This lowers the build-up of pressure.


How Betahistine Works

Betahistine is primarily used to reduce the number of episodes of vertigo associated with Meniere’s disease. Vertigo is a condition that causes the sufferers to have the sensation that they are unstable; the sensation of rotation or movement of themselves or their surroundings. Meniere’s is a disease of the inner ear that causes vertigo, ringing in the ears, headache and even loss of hearing. Serc or generic Betahistine has only been proven to reduce the amount of vertigo in the sufferer, not any of the other symptoms of Meniere’s.


Betahistine Possible Side Effects

Unfortunately, pretty much all medications come with some unwanted side effects, and Serc is no exception, but the good thing is that Serc has only a few, not-so-serious side effects. The following side effects have been experienced by patients who have taken serc:


• Headache

• Nausea

• Upset stomach


Consult with your doctor as soon as possible if you develop a rash or any signs of an allergic reaction.