
Acetyl-L-carnitine er også kjent som ALC. Noen mennesker med høyt blodsukker bruker det til å hjelpe med kolesterol samt nervesmerter, som prikker i hender og føtter. Andre har brukt det til å stoppe celleskader. Det kan også bidra til å forbedre appetitten og hjelpe kroppen å slå fett til energi. Noen bruker det til å forbedre humøret. Personer med blodkarproblemer i bena har brukt det til å hjelpe dem å gå bedre og å gå med mindre smerte. ALC kan også hjelpe personer med lavt karnitinnivå for å få et mer normalt nivå i blodet.

Alfalfa tablets have a rich source of the B complex, Vitamins plus A, C, D, E, K and Biotin. It is also a rich source of proteins and minerals. It is an excellent nutrient for the whole body & alkaloids, helps improve blood circulation. The high dietary fibers help to reduce appetite, it helps in weight reduction. High calcium helps to protect against fat accumulation thus enables fat to improve energy levels. The tablets may help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Alli® (orlistat) er en reseptfri medisin som er ment for overvektige voksne som sliter med å gå ned i vekt. Orlistat blokkerer en del av fettet man får fra mat, holder den fra å bli absorbert av kroppen. Orlistat brukes til å hjelpe med vekttap, eller for å redusere risikoen for å gå opp igjen. Dette legemidlet skal brukes i kombinasjon med diett og trening. Orlistat er kun til bruk hos voksne.

AyurSlim is a natural herbal remedy to manage body weight. AyurSlim helps control craving for food thereby reducing the intake of fats and carbohydrates. It also leads to optimal utilization of nutrients. AyurSlim supports fatty acid synthesis, thereby reducing fat accumulation in the body.

Organic Barleygrass tablets contain Minerals, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Chlorophyll, Vitamins such as A, C, B1, B2, folic acid and B12. Due to its detoxifying properties it helps in weight loss regimen ans gives a healthy boost. It may help increase body’s self healing properties. Its alkalizing properties may heal urinary tract & kidney problems.

Well-known today as a culinary herb, fenugreek has been valued since ancient times for its unique ability to promote healthy carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.

Garcinia contains hydroxycitric acid which is said to aid weight management. It is considered to improve fat metabolisation and encourage development of lean muscle mass. Each capsule contains 120 mg Garcinia Fruit Powder and 280 mg of extract (as dry extract) from Garcinia fruit (10:1) (equivalent to 280 mg of Garcinian fruit). When assayed these capsules contain Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA)NLT 28%.In Ayurvedic herbalism for thousands of years, Garcinia has been historically used as an aid in Weight Management. This has been backed up with numerous modern studies demonstrating its positive effect in raising the level of serotonin in the brain, thus helping to control appetite and aiding fat metabolism. It also helps maintain healthy lipid levels.

GERIFORTE also known as StressCare in the US is a herbal ayurvedic formulation. Geriforte acts as an antioxidant, antistress and adaptogenic tonic. It provides a broad range of health benefits proven by clinical studies. Geriforte helps delay the physiological conditions that cause aging, accelerates cell regeneration and repair. It increases physical capacity, raises the threshold of fatigue and promotes overall well-being.

Guggulhills Tablet is an effective blend of herbs for Healthy Weight & Cholesterol Management. Its anti-lipidemic activity delays accumulation of fatty substances which may help in weight management and the anti-inflammatory & analgesic property may help relieve joint pain.

Haridra (Turmeric/Curcuma longa) is a vital herb in Ayurvedic medicine, whose spice form can be recognized by its dazzling yellow color. The rhizome of the herb, used either fresh or dried, has a host of medicinal benefits. It acts as a carminative and also enhances the complexion and skin tone. Apart from that, Haridra can be used to combat liver damage, respiratory disorders and ulcers.

ORGANIC INDIA Lipidcare capsules helps to maintain healthy cardio-vascular functions & normal cholesterol levels. It is an active immunomodulator & rich in antioxidants. It is made up of well know and safe lipid controlling herbs useful in prevention and treatment of raised lipid levels and their complications.

Folk bruker melatonin til å justere kroppens indre klokke. Det brukes til å behandle jetlag, kontrollere døgnrytmer hos personer som jobber med skiftende arbeidstid (har skiftarbeidsforstyrrelse), og til å hjelpe blinde pasienter etablere en lys-mørkesyklusen. Melatonin brukes også for søvnløshet (insomni); forsinket søvnfase syndrom (DSPS); RBD (REM sleep Behaviour Disorder, eller parasomni); søvnløshet assosiert med ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder eller hyperkinetisk forstyrrelse); søvnløshet forårsaket av visse høyt blodtrykk medisiner kalt betablokkere; og søvnproblemer hos barn med utviklingsforstyrrelser, inkludert autisme, cerebral parese og intellektuelle funksjonshemminger. Det brukes også som søvnmiddel etter avsluttet behandling med benzodiazepin og for å redusere bivirkninger ved røykeslutt. Noen bruker melatonin ved Alzheimers sykdom eller hukommelsestap (demens), bipolar lidelse, en lungesykdom kalt kronisk obstruktiv lungesykdom (KOLS), søvnløshet forårsaket av betablokkere, endometriose, tinnitus, sesongavhengig depresjon (SAD), mild sinnslidelse, ikke-alkoholrelatert leversykdom, kronisk utmattelsessyndrom (CFS), fibromyalgi, rastløse bein (urolige bein), en immunsykdom kalt sarkoidose, schizofreni, migrene og andre hodepine, aldersrelatert synstap, godartet prostataforstørrelse (BPH), irritabel tykktarm (IBS), benskjørhet (lav benmasse eller osteoporose), en motorisk forstyrrelse kalt tardiv dyskinesi (TD), gastroøsofageal refluks, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), treningsytelse, infertilitet, epilepsi, eldring, ved menopause, metabolsk syndrom, for gjenoppretting etter operasjon, sinnsbevegelse forårsaket av anestesi, stress, endringer i hjertefrekvens ved overgang fra liggende til stående stilling (postural tachycardia syndrome), ufrivillig vannlating, kjeve smerter, inflammatorisk tarmsykdom (ulcerøs kolitt) og for prevensjon.

The key component of Meshashringi (Gymnema/Gymnema sylvestre) leaves is gymnemic acid, which decreases the effect of sucrose when chewed, thus reducing the craving for sweet foods. Research shows that Meshashringi has a similar effect internally, by supporting the normal function of the specialized beta cells of the pancreas which secrete insulin and normalize blood sugar levels.

Shuddha Guggulu (Indian Bdellium/Commiphora wightii) was prescribed for the treatment of medoroga, a disease that closely resembles the symptoms of hyperlipidemia including high blood cholesterol and the hardening of arteries. Shuddha Guggulu has been used historically for centuries to support normal fat levels and metabolism.

The contents of Spirulina tablets may help in promoting energy, strength & boost immunity. Revitalising property may rejuvenate & revitalise the body & its functions. The tablets may help to increase body’s self healing properties. The antioxidant property, may help to boost immunity & protect vital organs in long standing diseases. The product stimulates metabolism, so demonstrates weight loosing properties as well.

Green veggie formula contains: Spinach which is a rich source of dietary fiber as well as Iron which helps to treat anemia; Beet Root & Carrot containing beta-carotenes which act as the excellent tonic for eyes, skin and nerves.This formula may help to increase hemoglobin level; Cabbage contains antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties which may help enhance immunity; Methi seeds contain anti-lipidemic properties which may help to control cholesterol levels.

Trimohills offers one of the best ways to lose weight with its beneficial content. This weight loss supplement is an Ayurvedic formulation of Shuddha Guggul, Triphala, Trikatu, Trimad, and Vrikshamla. Additionally, these weight loss tablets collectively exert antioxidant, detoxifying, anti-lipidemic, digestive etc. medicinal properties. Thus, with these appropriate medicinal properties, this trimohills supports healthy digestion and may eliminate toxic substances from the body. Moreover, this weight loss supplement may support colon cleansing and thus promotes healthy detoxification.

The rind of the Vrikshamla (Garcinia/Garcinia indica) fruit contains an active component called hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which supports normal fat and carbohydrate metabolism, a healthy appetite level and optimum body weight.

Generisk Xenical brukes til å mestre fedme hos voksne og ungdommer over 12 år. Det brukes også til å redusere risiko å legge på seg på nytt etter vekttap. Orlistat (aktiv komponent) reduserer fettvolum, som adsorberes fra kost.
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