Hayvan Sağlığı

Ashoxy 1000® tablet, oksiketrasikline duyarlı mikroorganizmaların neden olduğu bakteriyel hastalıkların tedavisi ve önlenmesi için tetrasiklin grubunun antibakteriyel ilaçlarını ifade eder. Ashoxy 1000® E.Coli, Salmonella, Cholerae suis neden olduğu bakteriyel enterit yanı sıra Pasteurella multoclda neden olduğu bakteriyel pnömoni tedavisi için endikedir. İlaç, büyük baş hayvanlarda solunum yolu enfeksiyonları, nekrobakteriyoz, apseler, yara enfeksiyonları, postoperatif ve postpartum enfeksiyonlar, mastit, keratokonjunktivit; koyun ve keçilerde enzootik kürtaj, pnömoni ve peritonit, ayak çürüğü, mastit, umbilikal sepsis, pürülan artrit, postoperatif, yara ve doğum sonrası enfeksiyonları; domuzlarda solunum yolu enfeksiyonları, MMA sendromu (mastitis - metritis - agalactia), domuz eriziperi, mastitis, umbilikal sepsis, pürülan artrit, atrofik rinit, apseler, postoperatif, yara ve postpartum enfeksiyonları tedavi etmek için kullanılır.

Ashoxy - is a 200ml spray with Oxytetracycline as an active ingredient. Oxytetracycline is a broad spectrum antibiotic active against a large number of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria, certain mycoplasma species, chlamydia, rickettsia and some protozoa. It exerts its antibacterial action by inhibiting protein synthesis of organisms. Ashoxy is indicated for the treatment of diseases due to or associated with oxytetracycline susceptible organisms like Bordetella, Campylobacter, Chlamydia, E. coli, Haemophilus, Mycoplasma, Pasteurella, Rickettsia, Salmonella, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus spp. in cattle, goats, sheep, pig, and horses.

Ashulpha - tablets, containing 5mg of Sulfamethazine (Synonyms: Sulfadimidine; Sulfadimerazine), is an antimicrobial, antibacterial, bacteriostatic agent of the sulfonamide group. Sulfadimidine acts usually bactericidal against many Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms like E. coli, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Salmonella, Pasteurella and Eimeria spp, so is used as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial to treat or prevent infections caused by susceptible organisms. Infections treated may include pneumonia, intestinal infections (especially coccidia), soft tissue infections and urinary tract infections (UTIs). Sulfadimidin affect bacterial purine synthesis, as a result of which a blockade is accomplished.

Bayrocin® (Enrofloxacin) köpekler ve kediler için antibakteriyel bir tablettir. Enrofloxacin, kinolon karboksilik asit türevleri sınıfından sentetik bir kemoterapötik ajandır. Geniş bir Gram-negatif ve Gram-pozitif bakteri spektrumuna karşı antibakteriyel aktiviteye sahiptir. Sindirim sisteminden hızla emilir, ölçülen tüm vücut dokularına ve sıvılarına nüfuz eder.

Puppy Trainer serves as a tool for training young dogs to make the need at the place you want. With Puppy Trainer to learn unpleasant habits. Drop Puppy Trainer at the place where the dog may need to, for example, on a Beaphar Puppy Pad. Let the pup snuggle. In this way, he learns about the place where he can do his need.

Beaphar Salmon Oil for dogs and cats contains Omega-3 and -6 oils, which are a good source of essential fatty acids such as EPA and DHA. These fatty acids are beneficial for your pet’s cardiovascular system. It also contributes to joint flexibility and maintains a healthy skin condition. Salmon Oil is strongly recommended for very active dogs such as rescue, sporting, hunting dogs, etc.

Your pet is going to love this toothpaste because of its delightful meaty flavor. It also contains enzymes that help to fight against bacteria present in the mouth. You can use this pet paste regularly, and the best thing is that it is very simple to use with both cats and dogs. All you have to do is first apply a small amount of paste on a clean finger and then let your dog lick it so that they can get familiar with the taste.

Boostwin Drops are suitable for dogs, cats, birds, and turtles. It contains vitamins, DHA, and essential amino acids. Boostwin corrects any nutritional deficiency, optimizing growth and weight gain.

Canitone Tabs is a complete and balanced vitamin-mineral supplement, essential for better absorption of Calcium in dogs with mineral deficiencies, as may be recommended by a veterinarian. The other special conditions in dogs that need calcium supplements are pregnant and lactating dogs, and for the prevention of milk fever after whelping.

Specially designed to support the cardiovascular system of both dogs and cats. Support your pet's cardiovascular system effectively with the unique combination of 11 effective, natural ingredients that work synergistically.

Carodyl - Carprofen Chewable Tablets, used to help alleviate the symptoms of canine arthritis in geriatric dogs. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug which may also be used to reduce swelling and pain after medical procedures such as neutering or spaying. It can be used on a short term basis or for daily relief from conditions more chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia, and varying joint deterioration. It may also be used to help reduce post-operative discomfort after surgical procedures. The Amount of the active ingredient may vary: 75 or 100mg.

Cartail - çiğnenebilir tabletler, ağrı ve iltihaplanmayı yönetmeye yardımcı olmak için köpeklerde osteoartriti tedavi etmek için kullanılan steroidal olmayan bir anti-enflamatuar ilaç (NSAID) olan karprofen içerir.

Cell Pet® Enhanced Pet Well-Being, kolloidal mineraller ve besin takviyelerinden oluşan sıvı bir konsantredir. Evcil hayvanınızın içme suyuna günlük olarak eklenmelidir. Canlılığı ve enerjiyi arttırır, kaşıntı ve saç dökülmesini azaltır, yaraların ve cilt problemlerinin iyileşmesini destekler, nöbet sıklığını azaltır, kaplamanın dokusunu ve parlaklığını arttırır.

Cell Pet® Immune-Booster, kolloidal mineraller ve besin takviyelerinden oluşan sıvı bir konsantredir. Evcil hayvanınızın içme suyuna günlük olarak eklenmelidir. Stresi etkili bir şekilde azaltır, eklem sorunlarını destekler ve hafifletir, hastalıklara karşı korur, bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirir, genel sağlığı korur.

Cell Pet® Junior, kolloidal mineraller ve besin takviyelerinden oluşan sıvı bir konsantredir. Evcil hayvanınızın içme suyuna günlük olarak eklenmelidir. Kemikleri geliştirir, sindirimi kolaylaştırır, bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirir.

Clindapet® 300 - Clindamycin Hydrochloride Tablet bir antibiyotiktir. Deri, akciğer, sindirim sistemi, kemikler, eklemler ve cinsel organların belirli bakteriyel enfeksiyonlarını tedavi etmek için kullanılır. Clindamycin, belirli diş prosedürlerinden geçiyorsanız, enfeksiyonu önlemek için de kullanılabilir.

Corectin® tabletleri, doğada bir ekto-endoparazit öldürücü olan ivermektin içerir. Ayrıca hem dış hem de iç parazitlere karşı etkilidir. Ivermectin, GABA ve glutamat kapılı kanallarla etkileşime girerek parazitlerin sarkık felçlerine neden olur.

Deletik Shampoo for Dogs and Cats works by attacking the nervous system of various ticks, lice, and mites that infest the fur of dogs. It helps to eliminate these insects and protect the animal against paralysis ticks, flea allergy dermatitis, and other potential health problems caused by these infestations.

These chewable tabs are recommended by veterinarians in case of food and environmental sensitivities or allergies in dogs & cats to support their skin health. It supports the immune system response and circulation, aids in tissue recovery, and provides support during allergy season.

Dermotic® Cilt Losyonu, clobetasol propionate, miconazole nitrate ve neomycin sulphate / ofloxaxcin içerir. Bakteriyel ve fungal enfeksiyonlara veya karma dermatolojik enfeksiyonlara karşı koruma sağlar. Bakteriyel ve fungal enfeksiyonlarla komplike olan egzamatöz dermatozlarda endikedir.

Diarropet has 2 types of ingredients emollients and keratolytic, that work together to treat or prevent dry, rough, scaly, and itchy skin. Emollients are substances that soften and moisturize the skin and decrease itching and flaking. Emollients/moisturizers work by forming an oily layer on the top of the skin that traps water in the skin. Keratolytics are compounds that break down the outer layers of the skin and can decrease the thickness of psoriatic plaques.

Doxyheal (Doxycycline) Tablet is an antibiotic which is used in the treatment of infections in the lungs, reproductive organs and also used as prophylaxis for malaria. This medicine may cause teeth discoloration in the children. It may increase the risk of sunburns when exposed to the sunlight.

Drontal Puppy®, oral süspansiyon şeklinde genç köpekler için bir kurt öldürücüdür. Aktif maddeler olarak febantel ve pyrantel oluşur. Pyrantel pamoat, kancalı kurtlara ve ascaridlere karşı aktiftir. Febantel, kamçı kurtları da dahil olmak üzere nematod parazitlerine karşı aktiftir. Febantel hayvanda hızla emilir ve metabolize olur.

Mankind Pet Extick Anti Tick & Flea Soap 75 gm is an effective way to control fleas and ticks on dogs and cats. Specially formulated with propoxur, the soap acts as an ectoparasitic and helps in reducing fleas and ticks. The soap is convenient to use. The gentle cleansing soap is not harsh on the skin and protects the skin from any rashes. The special formula also leaves the fur soft and shiny.

Fenacure - tablets, called in other words Fenacure 3000, contain 3g of Fenbendazole, which belongs to benzimidazole group of anthelmintics. It has a broad-spectrum antiparasitic coverage against a wide range of gastrointestinal helminthes including abomasal and intestinal nematodes (adult and 4th – Stage Larvae), lungworms (adult and larvae), tapeworms (heads and segments) in cattle and large strongyles, small srtongyles, pinworms and ascarids in horses. Fenebendazole is also effective against hypobiotic larvae.

Fiprofort Plus Spot-On Solution For Cats and kittens İçin 8 haftalık veya daha büyük yavru kediler için de uygundur. Pireleri, pire yumurtalarını ve keneleri öldürür. En az 1 ay boyunca kedinin çevresindeki pireler dahil tüm pire evrelerini öldürür. Pire alerjisi dermatitini kontrol eder ve tedavi eder. 2 haftaya kadar felç kenelerini kontrol eder. Yeniden enfestasyonları önler, hızlı etkilidir ve uzun ömürlüdür.

Köpek ve kedilerde pire ve kene enfestasyonlarının tüm evrelerinde kontrol ve tedavide fipronil ve metopren kullanılmaktadır. Fipronil bir fenilpirazol antiparaziter ajandır ve metopren bir böcek büyüme düzenleyicisidir. Birlikte, fipronil ve metopren yetişkin ve larva pirelerinin yanı sıra pire yumurtalarını da öldürür. Kenelerin tüm aşamaları da öldürülür.

Fipronil kedi ve köpeklerde pire, bit, sivrisinek, kulak (otodektoz) ve iksodid kenelere karşı antiparaziter bir ilaçtır. Alerjik pire dermatitinin tedavisi, önlenmesi ve çiğneme biti enfeksiyonlarının tedavisinde kullanılır.

FlickOut is effective against fleas infestation approximately for two months and against tick infestation for up to one month. It is effective at low doses, as an ovicide, larvicide, adulticide, repellent, and as a feeding suppressor against a variety of ectoparasites.

Freedom Spray effectively controls the fleas and ticks on your pet's coat. It leaves your pet's coat shiny and glossy. It has no toxic effects and hence prevents your pet's coat from any damage. Its ease of application gives the user feeling of comfort.

FreshCoat® No Rinse Spray banyolar arası için mükemmeldir. Tek yapmanız gereken ceketin üzerine püskürtmek ve fırçalamak, temizler, kokuları giderir ve dolaşıklıkları giderir. Anahtar bileşenleri arasında Jambira (doğal bir koku giderici), Tulasi (bitkisel bir antiseptik) ve Ushira (böcek kovucu özellikleri vardır) bulunur. Bu formül evcil hayvanınızın tüylerinin harika kokmasını ve tazelenmesini sağlar! Özellikle henüz banyo yapamayan yavru köpekler için faydalıdır.

FulCoat is cod liver oil and soya oil oral tonic for pets. It keeps the coat lustrous and shiny, reduces inflammation, improves bone health, reduces joint pain and improves rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, supports eye health, reduces heart disease risk, improves symptoms of anxiety and depression, and helps to heal stomach and gut ulcers.

Furglow® Oral Coat Conditioner, iyi cilt sağlığını destekleyen Omega 6 ve 3 yağ asitleri içerir. Çinko, saç dökülmesini ve pullu dermatiti önlemeye yardımcı olur. Bu ağız bakım kremi, evcil hayvanınızın parlak bir tüy almasına, pul pul deri ve kepek oluşumunu önlemeye yardımcı olur. Ayrıca mantar cilt enfeksiyonları ve piyoderma ile savaşmaya yardımcı olur.

Furglow® Skin and Coat Tonic. Evcil hayvanın kürkü ve cilt durumu, sağlık durumunun doğrudan bir yansımasıdır. Dengeli Omega 6 ve Omega 3 (Temel Yağ Asitleri) yağ asitleri cilt sağlığı için gereklidir, hücre zarı ve sinir hücresi oluşumunu destekler. Çinko, pullu dermatit ve saç dökülmesini önlemede hayati bir rol oynar. Fur-glow, Omega 6 ve Omega 3 yağ asitleri açısından zengin bitki kaynaklı yağlar içerir. Furlgow ayrıca evcil hayvanlarda sağlıklı cilt için gerekli mineraller olan Çinko ve Selenyum sağlar. Genel saç büyümesini desteklemek için A Vitamini ve E Vitamini eklenmiştir. Furglow, Vitamin B6, Biotin ve Vitamin D ile güçlendirilmiştir.

Furnil - a 70g Oral Paste, a supplementary feed to protect cats and kittens from trichobezoar. Helps get rid of and prevent the occurrence of common trichobezoars in cats by maintaining healthy digestion, keeps the cats active and vigorous, has excellent tastefulness, which facilitates easy feeding and promotes natural cleansing of the body.

The Venky’s Glossy Coat helps to give your dog healthy skin and a lustrous coat. It will make him feel good, look better, and stay healthy. This excellent supplement has a unique formula comprising necessary vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids such as Omega 3, Omega 6, EPA & DHA. This also helps to treat the hair after a disease or infection.

GlycoFlex Classic for Dogs products are comprehensive formulas for the support of joint and connective tissue functions in dogs at any stage of life. Because age‚ breed‚ diet‚ lifestyle‚ injury‚ and stress can affect the health of any joint’s structure and function.

Venky’s Gutwell digestive supplement is filled with probiotics and prebiotics that increase the production of enzymes in your pet. This supplement helps to provide a healthy digestive system, improve digestion enhance immunity, and control the formation of hairballs.

Hemeliv syrup provides supplemental iron in combination with cobalt, a co-factor in Vitamin B12 synthesis and Silymarin. For Dogs and Cats, Hemeliv acts as a hematinic to aid in the prevention and treatment of nutritional deficiency. It improves liver health and functioning and aids in the elimination of systemic toxins.

Hepamust syrup is a highly palatable liver tonic that contains 15 unique herbs. Silybum marianum helps in promoting hepatic tissue regeneration. Tinospora cardifolia exerts protective action against toxins. Phyllanthus niuri protects liver cells from oxidative stress. Hepamust syrup is helpful in the management of idiopathic liver disorders, anorexia, debility, etc. It’s also helpful in promoting rich hair coats and healthy skin in pets.

Himcal for pets contains calcium and phosphorus derived from oyster shell. Calcium and phosphorus are present in the ratio of 1: 0. 8 as recommended by association of american feed control officials (Aafco). Himcal pet is quickly absorbed and utilized inside the body. Its unique milky flavor is well-liked by pets. It provides bone density and strength.

Himpyrin is a natural antipyretic that prevents the synthesis of prostaglandins. The action reduces fever in pets. The drug also alleviates pain by preventing the release of pain transmitters. Contains Tinospora Gulancha (Guduchi) which strengthens the immune system and builds the body’s resistance against infections and Sweet Flag (Vacha) which improves blood circulation and alleviates swelling.

Immunol is a blend of herbs that is clinically proven to improve the immunity of cats and dogs. The immune system is the body’s vital shield against infections, diseases and biological attacks.

Immuno Plus Dog Liquid Spray helps in boosting immunity as well as reducing the feeling of the stress of anxiety in animals. Boosting the immunity in young growing animals. Improving the immunity of geriatric animals. Reducing anxiety in nervous or stressed animals. Helping young animals cope with separation from their mother.

Inflamin Vet Cream is a veterinary cream recommended for mastitis. It gives the protection to the vascular integrity of capillaries, controls swelling & edema. Is used for the treatment of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, equines, canidae and felines.

Inhancer dog supplement is a joint protection supplement for high activity & older dogs. It contains the highest quality glucosamine HCL & chondroitin. It has active ingredients calcium, phosphorus, glucosamine, and chondroitin from sharks. Suggested for animals ill with arthritis hip and elbow dysplasia, geriatric animals, and large breed puppies to reduce wear & tear of the cartilage.

Venky's Iopaint antimicrobial spray is a solution of povidone and iodine. It is used for the preparation of the skin for aseptic surgery as an antiseptic for wounds, for dressing cuts, burns, lacerations and abrasions, and post-operative dressings.

Keto Guard from Vivaldis has ketoconazole and chlorhexidine gluconate as primary ingredients. It is used to treat a wide range of bacterial, fungal infections, yeast infections, and various skin infections. Useful in hotspots, dermatitis cases, and ringworm infections.

Ketochlor is an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, antiseptic medicated shampoo from Virbac that contains ketoconazole and chlorhexidine gluconate as primary ingredients. It is used in cases of skin rashes, skin infection, itching, etc in dogs, cats, and horses. It restores skin microbial balance. Allow shampoo to stay on the coat for 5-10 minutes before rinsing off for best effects.

Kiskin® losyonu, maya ve cilt mantar enfeksiyonunu tedavi etmek için kullanılır. Mantar önleyici ajandır, mantar hücre zarını zayıflatır, hassas mantarları öldürür.

Kiwof cat dewormer from Savavet is suitable for cats and kittens. Kills and expels all kinds of intestinal worms in cats like hookworm, roundworm, whipworm, tapeworm, etc. Contains praziquantel and pyrantel embonate. Safe single-dose use, broad spectrum activity.

Kiwof Plus tablets have three active ingredients having different modes of action and spectra of activity. Praziquantel is active against cestodes (tapeworms). Pyrantel pamoate is active against hookworms and ascarids. Febantel is active against nematode parasites including whipworms.

Himalaya Liv. 52 is a supplement that is meant to stimulate metabolism and promote growth in your pup. It increases your pet’s appetite and protects their liver from chemicals, drugs, and toxins. It also promoted the regeneration of liver cells and promoted protein building in them.

Pet Care Livoferol Supplement improves the efficiency of the liver by regulating hepatic microsomal enzymes. The supplement keeps your pet's liver in healthy condition, they are able to eat better, digest better and sleep better. Livoferol also contains Vitamin B which helps to improve the metabolism of the pet.

Megaflex®, Bayer tarafından üretilen kedi ve köpekler için bir yem takviyesidir. Bu ek hem genç hem de yaşlı evcil hayvanlar için geçerlidir. Bayer Megaflex® takviyesi, evcil hayvanlarımızda kemik büyümesini ve bakımını sağlamak için çalışır. Eklemleri, kıkırdakları ve tendonları etkili bir şekilde güçlendirir ve iyileştirmeye yardımcı olur.

MeloneX® Plus Tablet, meloxicam ve paracetamol içerdiğinden, steroid olmayan bir anti-inflamatuar ilaç (NSAID) ve analjeziktir. Bu yüzden ağrı giderici bir ilaç olarak çalışır. Osteoartrit, romatoid artrit ve jüvenil romatizmal artrit gibi durumların tedavisinde kullanılır. Ağrı, şişlik, ateş ve kızarıklıktan kurtulmayı sağlar.

Meloxicam - is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) of the oxicam class which acts by inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis, thereby exerting anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-exudative and antipyretic effects. It reduces leukocyte infiltration into the inflamed tissue. To a minor extent it also inhibits collagen-induced thrombocyte aggregation. In vitro and in vivo studies have reported that meloxicam inhibits cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) to a greater extent than cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1).

Meralac Kitten is a milk replacement supplement for Kittens. Highly palatable for kittens. Especially meant for kittens fulfilling kitten-specific nutrient requirements. Easily Digestible -has highly digestible protein. Soothing to kitten's stomach. Does not upset the tummy. Made of quality ingredients ensuring optimum growth and steady pace helping kittens accommodate normal bone and cartilage development.

MethiPower - a 70g Oral Paste, an urinary acidifier for dogs & cats with an active ingredient called Methionine, acts by stimulating the taste interest in cats and dogs, when you place a small amount of MethiPower on animal's nose. MethiPower is highly palatable and highly nutritional. It is used as a prevention of formation of struvite stone in urinary tract and for the reduction & control of the urine odour.

Micodin Shampoo for pets is an effective shampoo that protects your pet from broad spectrum of bacterial and fungal infections. It contains chlorhexidine gluconate and miconazole which helps reduce the infections while maintaining the pH balance of the skin. It is indicated for effective cleansing as well as enhanced antimicrobial activity.

Negasunt®, Bayer tarafından üretilen antibakteriyel bir toz alma tozudur. Antibakteriyel yara pansuman için kullanılır. Yaralar kurtçuk yaraları, Şap'ın ayak lezyonları, cerrahi yaralar, kaza sonucu oluşan yaralar veya göbek enfeksiyonları olabilir. Negasunt® tozu %3 Coumaphos, %2 Propoxur ve %5 Sulfanilamide oluşturur.

Pet Mankind Nuforce Shampoo is a specially formulated anti-dandruff shampoo that prevents the formation of dandruff on the skin and keeps skin infections at bay. Nuforce Shampoo reduces the formation of dandruff and prevents the flaking and dryness of the skin. The pH balance of the shampoo protects the body oils and keeps the fur soft and shiny.

Pet Care Nutri-Coat Advance is a scientifically designed feed supplement that is a blend of the most active form of essential fatty acids including Omega 3, Omega 6, EPA & DHA. It can also be used as an efficient medicine against Pyoderma, Mange, Yeast infection, Flea Bite Dermatitis, Atopy, and most other types of fungal skin infections.

Nutri-Coat Palatable Tonic Is a nutritional coat & skin conditioner that helps to correct all types of skin and coat conditions like a dull coat, flaky skin, excess shedding, and scratching caused by deficient diets. Enriched with Omega-3 & Omega-6 Fatty Acids.

Omega Plus Syrup is a synergistic blend of essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals to promote healthy skin and coat enriched with saw palmetto. It is suggested for non-specific alopecia, dermatic conditions, improving coat of show animals, and external and internal inflammation.

Opthocare – M eye drops contains moxifloxacin. It is a unique topical Anti-infective Eye Drops for dogs and cats. 1 Drop in the affected eye(s) 3 times daily for 7 days for bacterial conjunctivitis in adults and should not be prescribed to pets below the age of 1 year.

Opthocare – XT eye drops contain dorzolamide and timolol. It is used for the treatment or primary and secondary glaucoma in dogs and cats. This combination helps in reducing the intraocular pressure by reducing the production of aqueous humor from ciliary body.

Himalaya Ophthacare eye drops contain a mixture of Honey and Persian Rose. Honey acts as an effective anti-inflammatory agent which has a soothing effect on the eyes. Persian Rose has unique cooling properties and helps in treating eye strain as well as computer vision syndrome.

PetHex is an anti-fungal and anti-microbial shampoo that has been manufactured by Pet Cre India. Its vital ingredients are chlorohexidine gluconate and miconazole nitrate. It is used in a wide range of skin infections. PetHex is pH balanced and safe for sensitive skin and free from harmful chemicals.

PetJoint – an ultimate joint solution from Petcare Cargill has glucosamine, chondroitin, and other synergistic ingredients like MSM, vitamins that aim at the bone and joint care in dogs & cats. Usually recommended for a wide range of bone joint problems like hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, leg bending, hind leg weakness, osteoarthritis, fracture, etc. Supports cartilage and joint movement in old and senior dogs as well.

Shampoo with aloe vera extract, conditioner, and other natural ingredients that give the pet a healthy, shiny coat. Makes the hair coat smooth and soft. The gentle formulation does not harm the skin and hair of pets. Conditioner provides extra smoothness. Non-allergic, cleanses the skin leaving it soft and supple.

Pomisol® Kulak Damlaları kulak kanalındaki nemi emer. Kulaktaki aşırı rahatsızlık ve ağrıyı giderir. Karışık kulak enfeksiyonları için kapsamlı topikal tedavi sağlar.

ProviBoost Drops contain essential amino acids, DHA, and vitamins that give pets strength and greater immunity. This supplement helps to improve the metabolic and physiological functions of your pet. DHA has been found to boost healthy brain development in puppies.

ProviBoost Syrup advances vitality and strengthens the physical condition of your pets. It consists of essential amino, Docosahexaenoic Acid, and Omega-3 including arginine and biotin which are responsible for weight gain, enhanced immunity, development of the nervous system, skeletal growth, and preservation of shiny, lustrous, and healthy skin.

ProviCal Pet is a Calcium Supplement for puppies and lactating mothers. It helps to re-mineralize the bones of a lactating female dog and supply the needed amount of calcium for the growth and development of puppies. Provical supplements can be given directly into the mouth or mixed with food.

Renal Essential tabs are suitable for dogs and puppies suffering from kidney or renal disorders. It maintains kidney function through supporting renal circulation, immune and antioxidant defense system functions, homocysteine balance, normal fluid retention, stress management, liver functions, and normal detoxification.

RIDD 12.5% liquid is a potent miticide effective against both sarcoptic and demodectic mange in dogs, cats, and large animals. RIDD also controls ticks, fleas, and lice infestation in animals. It also controls earsore, humpsore and tailsore dermatitis and mange in buffaloes, cattle, small ruminants, and wild animals.

Safeheart is a pet medicine for the treatment of mild, moderate, or severe congestive heart failure in dogs. It is suitable medicine for dogs to use for heart failure which is caused by atrioventricular valvular insufficiency or dilated cardiomyopathy.

Vetrina Setgut Exotic Supplement is a gut health optimizer for birds, turtles, and other exotic species. It is a blend of carefully selected probiotics, prebiotics, and dietary enzymes that improves digestion and nutrient absorption. Supports a balanced and healthy community of microorganisms in the crop and intestines.

Intas Softas® Max Mantar Önleyici Sabun, mantar oluşumundan kaynaklanan cilt enfeksiyonlarını yönetmek için ideal bir sabundur. Özel formüle edilmiş sabun, evcil hayvanınızın mantar enfeksiyonlarının neden olduğu kuruluk veya kaşıntıyı nazikçe giderir ve belirli bir süre kullanıldığında enfeksiyonun geri gelmesini engeller.

Sulfacure has anti-fungal and antibacterial effect on the skin. Sulfacure works for the treatment of skin disorders such as scabies, Seborrheic Dermatitis and also acne. Sulfacure helps to beat fungal infection, eczema, itching.

Taktic® is used for the prevention and control of ectoparasitic infestations like ticks, mange mites, lice, and ked in cattle, camel, sheep, goats, and pigs. Taktic® kills ticks, mange mites, and lice including strains resistant to organochlorines, organophosphates, and synthetic pyrethroids.

Velcote® sıvı, sağlıklı bir cilt için evcil hayvanlar için bir yem takviyesi ve köpekler, kediler ve atlar için parlak bir tüydür. Evcil hayvanınızın cildini iyileştirmek için özel olarak formüle edilmiş olan bu yem takviyesi, özellikle kuru ve pullu (saç dökülmesine neden olan) cildi iyileştirmek için yararlıdır. Gösteri hayvanları için lüks bir paltoyu korumak için sıklıkla kullanılır. Velcote® sıvı esansiyel yağ asitleri, A, D3, E Vitaminleri, buğday tohumu ve Lecithin içerir.

Vetbacin ointment is indicated for the treatment of dressing of wounds, ulcers, cuts, abrasions, foot rot, udder impetigo, fmd lessions in hoof, postoperative lesions & burns. Vetbacin ointment cleans wounds properly and completely heals sheep and cattle.

Vetmedin (Pimobendan) Çiğnenebilir Tabletler, köpeklerde konjestif kalp yetmezliğini tedavi etmek için kullanılır. İnodilatörler adı verilen yeni bir kalp tedavisi sınıfının ilki olan Vetmedin'in, konjestif kalp yetmezliği olan köpeklerde klinik belirtileri önemli ölçüde iyileştirdiği ve yaşam beklentisini uzattığı gösterilmiştir.

Vimeral Liquid is an effective vitamin and anti-stress supplement for cattle that aid in proper growth. A combination of antistress vitamins A, D3, E, and B12 removes stress, acts as an immunostimulant, keeps udder healthy, keeps animals stress-free, and minimizes chances of mastitis.

Worm Trap-P is a Puppy Dewormer Syrup with Pyrantel Pamoate as an active ingredient. The Pyrantel Pamoate is the medicine commonly used for pets to treat hookworms and roundworms in dogs and cats.

Zerokrim Plus chewable tablets is one of the best quality Dog and Cat deworming tablets available in market. Zerokrim Plus tablets provide a broad-spectrum efficacy. This is achieved with 3 effective ingredients having different spectra of activity. Praziquantel is effective against cestodes (tapeforms). Pyrantel embonate is effective against hookworms and ascarids. Febantel is effective against nematode parasites including whipworms.
Siparişimi geçen hafta aldım. Çok teşekkür ederim. Kesinlikle tekrar sipariş vereceğim!!!!! Karım bu sürpriz sonuçları hayretle karşıladı ve bana gelince.... Tekrar 18 yaşımda gibi hissettim. Çok teşekkür ederim. Sizi tekrar haberdar edeceğim:) -