Ashoxy 1000®


Ashoxy 1000® 錠剤は、オキシテトラサイクリンに敏感な微生物により起こされた細菌の病気の治療と防止のためのテトラサイクリングループの抗菌性の薬に当たる。Ashoxy 1000® は、E.Coli, Salmonella, Cholerae suis によって起こされた細菌の肺炎の治療だけでなく、Pasteurella multoclda によって起こされた細菌の腸炎の治療のためにも製造されている。この薬は、呼吸の感染、ネクロバクテリア症、膿腫、傷感染、手術後および出産後の感染、乳腺炎、角結膜炎の治療のための牛において使われる;羊、風土病性で中絶し、肺炎および腹膜炎、足腐敗する、乳腺炎、へその敗血症、化膿の関節炎、手術後であることの取り扱いのためのヤギ、傷および出産後の感染;呼吸の感染、MMA症候群(乳腺炎-子宮炎-乳汁分泌欠如)、ブタ丹毒、乳腺炎、へその敗血症、化膿の関節炎、萎縮性の鼻炎、膿腫、手術後、傷、および出産後の感染の治療のために服用する。
パッケージ あたり 錠剤 価格 節約 ご注文
100 tablet
¥ 103.66
¥ 10365.51¥ 103.66
¥ 1474.44
50 tablet
¥ 118.40
¥ 5919.97¥ 118.40
Ashoxy 1000



  • Ashish Life Science Pvt. Limited


  • Bacterial Diseases

Ashoxy 1000®

What is this medicine?

Ashoxy 1000® refers to antibacterial drugs of the tetracycline group for the treatment and prevention of bacterial diseases caused by microorganisms that are sensitive to oxytetracycline. Ashoxy 1000® is indicated for the treatment of bacterial enteritis caused by E.Coli, Salmonella, Cholerae suis, as well as for the treatment of bacterial pneumonia caused by Pasteurella multoclda. The drug is used in cattle for the treatment of respiratory infections, necrobacteriosis, abscesses, wound infections, postoperative and postpartum infections, mastitis, keratoconjunctivitis; sheep, goats for the treatment of enzootic abortions, pneumonia and peritonitis, foot rot, mastitis, umbilical sepsis, purulent arthritis, postoperative, wound and postpartum infections; pigs for the treatment of respiratory infections, MMA syndrome (mastitis - metritis - agalactia), swine erysipelas, mastitis, umbilical sepsis, purulent arthritis, atrophic rhinitis, abscesses, postoperative, wound and postpartum infections.

What is the composition of this medicine?

Each tavlet contains:

  • Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride 1000 mg
  • What are the indications for using this medicine?

    Ashoxy is indicated for the treatment of diseases due to or associated with oxytetracycline susceptible organisms like Bordetella, Campylobacter, Chlamydia, E. coli, Haemophilus, Mycoplasma, Pasteurella, Rickettsia, Salmonella, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus spp. in cattle, goats, sheep, pig, and horses.

    Dosage information

    As prescribed by the veterinarian.

    Withdrawal period

    • Cattle, horses: 6 days
    • Sheep and goats: 14 days

    What side effects may I notice from this medicine?

    Oxytetracycline and tetracycline given to young animals can cause discoloration of teeth to a yellow or brown colour. High dosages or chronic administration may delay bone growth and healing. Tetracyclines can sometimes cause nausea, vomiting, anorexia and diarrhoea.

    Where can I keep my medicine?

    Store it in a cool and dry place. Protect from the direct sunlight.