
Generic Aciphex is used to treat symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and other conditions involving excessive stomach acid such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. It is also used to promote healing of erosive esophagitis (damage to your esophagus caused by stomach acid).

Acofide(アコチアミド)は機能性ディスペプシアの治療において使われる。それは、食後のお腹の張り、上腹部の苦痛とか不快感、および早い飽満などに役立っている。アコチアミド は、腸の運動性を増大できる化学薬品を増やすアセチルコリンの生産を増大させる。

Arsohills Tablets – hemoroidal formula.Ayurvedic Hemorrhoids formulation may have the lubricant, laxative, stool softener properties of Suran, Triphala and Senna helps ease the passage of stools, constipation & regulates the bowel movement. Antioxidant & hemostatic properties of Nagkeshar helps to reduce excessive bleeding. Anti-inflammatory properties may control the swelling of hemorrhoids.

Generic Asacol is used for treating and causing remission of various forms of mild to moderate ulcerative colitis (inflammation of the colon).

Organic Barleygrass tablets contain Minerals, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Chlorophyll, Vitamins such as A, C, B1, B2, folic acid and B12. Due to its detoxifying properties it helps in weight loss regimen ans gives a healthy boost. It may help increase body’s self healing properties. Its alkalizing properties may heal urinary tract & kidney problems.

Bonnisan® - herbal ayurvedic carminative and digestive, which relieve symptoms of colic in gastrointestinal disorders in infants and children. As a daily health supplement, it prevents digestive complaints.

Bonnispaz® - an unique herbal medicine recommended for spasms and colic in infants. Safe, herbal and doctor-recommended phytopharmaceutical.

Bowelcare® facilitates satisfying elimination by cleansing the intestinal walls, helping to remove toxins and waste and improving peristalsis. Excellent for rejuvenating the gastrointestinal tract, Bowelcare® is a warming nurturing demulcent, providing soothing support for the colon.

BUTYLSCOLOPAMINE(other names of active ingridient - scopolamine butylbromide, butylhyoscine and hyoscine butylbromide) is an anticholinergic medicine. Butylscopolamine has many effects in the body including decreasing the secretion of fluids, slowing the stomach and intestines, and dilation of the pupils. Butylscopolamine is used to relieve nausea, vomiting, and dizziness associated with motion sickness and recovery from anesthesia and surgery. Butylscopolamine may also be used in the treatment of parkinsonism, spastic muscle states, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, and other conditions.


Generic Carafate is used for treating and preventing ulcers.

ジェネリック・セレブレックスは、関節リウマチ、変形性関節症、強直性脊椎炎、若年性関節炎や月経痛の治療に使用されています。 また、直腸部のポリープ(増殖)を減少させる家族性腺腫性ポリポーシス(FAP)で使用されています。


Generic Colofac is used for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. It is also indicated for treatment of gastrointestinal spasm secondary to organic disorder.


「サイトテック」というジェネリック(ミソプロストール)は胃酸分泌を減少させて、アスピリン、イブプロフェン(アドビル、モトリン)、ナプロキセン(アリーブ)、セレコキシブ、ジクロフェナク、インドメタシン及びメロキシカム等の非ステロイド性抗炎症薬(以下:NSAID)服用に起因する胃袋の病気の予防治療に用いられる。ミソプロストールはアスピリンまたはNSAID服用に起因する胃潰瘍の予防治療に用いられる。 ミソプロストールの服用は先天異常、早産、子宮破裂、流産または不完全流産、危険な子宮出血の原因となりうる。妊娠中は使用できません。妊娠の可能性のある女性は、その薬剤の服用前で、妊娠テストの消極的な結果を確認してください。しかし、治療中、妊娠の予防に使われる有効な避妊方法を使用して下さい。

Detoxhills Tablets are synergistically selected and blended together to form easy to swallow tablets. It may help in gently cleansing and detoxifying the liver, colon and the whole body. It may also help in managing constipation, flushing out toxins, and may improve the digestion. It may also help in enhancing the immune system. Additionally, these palatable tablets may encourage the whole-body detox and increase the energy levels. These tablets may help in healthy detoxification and thus aid in digestion. It also supports normal bowel functioning.

Healthy digestive system ayurvedic formulation Digeshills has the carminative & bowel cleansing properties of Haritaki, Triphala, Belgarba gently cleanses the intestinal walls ensuring regular bowel movements. Antioxidant & digestive properties of Ajma, Jeera, Chitrak, Indrajav detoxifies the digestive toxins and thus aid digestion & metabolism. Also effective on associated problems like gas, acidity & flatulence.

Dimenhydrinate is used to prevent and treat nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and vertigo associated with motion sickness.

Generic Dulcolax is a stimulant laxative. It acts directly on the bowels, stimulating the bowel muscles to cause a bowel movement. Bisacodyl is used for relieving occasional constipation and irregularity.

Pentosan polysulfate sodiumは、膀胱炎(膀胱の炎症または炎症)によって引き起こされる膀胱の痛みや不快感を治療するために使用される。Pentosan polysulfate sodiumは、成人および16歳以上の子供に適応されたもの。

Well-known today as a culinary herb, fenugreek has been valued since ancient times for its unique ability to promote healthy carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.

Ginger is a valued herb for its carminative and stimulation action on the gastrointestinal tract. It helps to eliminate gas and is considered to be helpful in digestion, motion sickness and stomach cramps. Ginger has warming properties, it is traditionally used to enhance circulation and lessen pain. Modern study has shown that ginger is beneficial for various types of pain, and the effects may be comparable to popular pain supplements. Digestion Support Ginger is a valued herb for its carminative and stimulant action on the gastrointestinal tract. Ginger helps eliminate gas.

Haridra (Turmeric/Curcuma longa) is a vital herb in Ayurvedic medicine, whose spice form can be recognized by its dazzling yellow color. The rhizome of the herb, used either fresh or dried, has a host of medicinal benefits. It acts as a carminative and also enhances the complexion and skin tone. Apart from that, Haridra can be used to combat liver damage, respiratory disorders and ulcers.

Haritaki has active ingredient tannin which stimulates evacuation of the bowels- can be defined as a mild form of laxative action. It may help improve digestion, promote the absorption of nutrients, and regulate colon function.This has been backed up with numerous modern scientific studies demonstrating the positive effect of its component herb to provide astringent, laxative, anti oxidant and rejuvenative effect.

Generic Imodium is used for treating symptoms of certain types of diarrhea. It is also used to decrease the amount of discharge from an ileostomy.

Lasuna (Garlic/Allium sativum) is well-known as a pungent, culinary spice in several cultures; the herb is one of the most researched plants for its medicinal benefits. Scientists at the Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Hebrew University-Hassadah Medical School, Jerusalem, recently studied Lasuna for its antioxidant activity and support of normal cardiovascular function. They found the herb to be supportive of normal plasma lipid levels and noted its various ‘positive influences’ (Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, November 2007, 51(11):1365-81).

Liver Support Ayurvedic Formula Liver Care has the hepatoprotective & regenerative properties of Kalmegh provides support to hepatic detoxification that helps rejuvenate the liver. The antioxidant properties of Guduchi, Bhuiamla & Tulsi helps promote immunity and aids in removal of toxins from the liver and kidneys. The immunostimulant properties alongwith hepatoprotective properties of these herbs helps to stimulate expulsion of bile from liver & protect liver from free radical damage The properties of Bhringraj promotes the metabolism of liver and helps improve the strength of the body.

人々は、体の内部時計を調節するために、メラトニンを使います。予定が毎日の仕事を変える人々で睡眠覚醒循環を調節するために、それが時差ぼけのために使われます。それが、盲人が1昼夜サイクルを確立するのを援助するために使われます。メラトニンが、寝入る(不眠症)ことができないことのためにも、使われます; 遅延性睡眠段階症候群(DSPS); 急速眼球運動睡眠行動障害(RBD); 注意力欠陥-活動亢進障害(ADHD)を伴う不眠症; 特定の高血圧薬物による不眠症は、ベータ受容体遮断薬を呼びました; そして、自閉症、脳性麻痺と知的な障害を含む発達上の障害の子供たちの睡眠問題。ベンゾジアゼピン薬の用法をやめた後に、そして、禁煙する副作用を減らすために、それが睡眠援助としても使われます。一部の人々は、アルツハイマー病または記憶喪失(痴呆)のためにメラトニンを使います。障害、慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)と呼ばれている肺疾患、ベータ受容体遮断薬薬に起因する不眠症、子宮内膜症のために、一部の人々はメラトニンを使います。そして、耳、落ち込みまたは季節性感情障害(SAD)、軽い精神的欠陥、アルコールを含まない肝疾患、慢性疲労症候群(CFS)、線維筋痛、絶え間ない足症候群を取り囲みます。そして、炎症性病気がサルコイドーシス、精神分裂症、片頭痛と他頭痛、年齢に関連する視力損失、良性前立腺過形成(BPH)、過敏性大腸症候群(IBS)、骨損失(骨粗鬆症)、遅行性顔面麻痺(TD)と呼ばれている運動障害と呼ばれています。酸性の逆流病、ヘリコバクターピロリ(H. pylori)、運動パフォーマンス、不妊性、癲癇、手術後の回復、麻酔に起因する動揺、ストレス、不随意運動障害(遅行性顔面麻痺)、定めることから体を起こす(姿勢の心搏急速症候群)ことに、貴社が移る心拍数の変化、精神錯乱、排尿をコントロールすることができないこと、あごの痛み、炎症性腸疾患(潰瘍性大腸炎)のための更年期(メタボリックシンドローム)のために、老化のために、そして、産児制限のために、一部の人々は、メラトニンを使います。


Moringa® is also used to reduce swelling, increase sex drive (as an aphrodisiac), prevent pregnancy, boost the immune system, and increase breast milk production. Some people use it as a nutritional supplement or tonic. Moringa contains proteins, vitamins, and minerals. As an antioxidant, it seems to help protect cells from damage.

Motegrity (prucalopride) is a serotonin-4 (5-HT4) receptor agonist used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. Motegrity is a prescription medicine used to treat chronic idiopathic constipation Idiopathic means without a known cause.

Generic Motilium is a medicine that increases the movements or contractions of the stomach and bowel. It is also used to treat nausea and vomiting caused by other drugs used to treat Parkinson's Disease.

NEEM (Margosa Tree/Azadirachta indica) has been described in Ayurveda’s prime text, the Charaka Samhita, as sarva roga nivarini (that which keeps all diseases at bay) or arishtha (reliever of disease). Neem has been used in the Ayurvedic tradition for thousands of years for maintaining health and overall well-being. The roots, bark, gum, leaves, fruit, seed kernels and seed oil are all used in therapeutic preparations for both internal and topical use.

Azadirachta Indica , better known as Neem as a plant has been consumed as a daily in many parts of Asia. Some of the most widely recognized benefits of Neem are its strong antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. This comes into play both internally and externally, which is why neem is considered to be such a general tonic for the immune system and as a simple way to keep your overall health better protected. It is commonly associated with treating skin conditions, but its effects are far more extensive than that! Neem has undergone many clinical studies in India and provides a long list of benefits in the Ayurvedic tradition. It has been associated with improving eye health, skin health, ear health, and boosting overall immunity (clearing up acne, psoriasis, eczema, high blood glucose, arthritis, chronic fatigue, and more). Neem is also commonly used for skin issues (dryness, itchiness, wrinkles, warts, skin ulcers, etc.)

ジェネリック・ネキシウムは、胃で生成される酸の量を減少させます。 胃食道逆流症(GERD)とゾリンジャー-エリソン症候群のような、過剰な胃酸を含む他の症状の治療に使用されます。 また、びらん性食道炎(胃の酸によって引き起こされる食道の損傷)の治癒促進に使用されます。 また、胃のヘリコバクターピロリ(ピロリ菌)の感染によって引き起こされる潰瘍、または非ステロイド性抗炎症薬(NSAID)の使用によって起きる潰瘍を防ぐために投与できます。

Ayurvedic Eye Care Ocuhills capsule has the antioxidant & rejuvenating properties of Triphala which helps in protecting eyes from damage by free radicals.It may provide protection to eyes. Triphala detoxifies the digestive tract & improves metabolism which is helpful to eyes. The coolant properties of Cow Ghee help with the eyes cooling.

Alfacalcidolは、ビタミンDのアクティブな代謝産物である。それは、カルシウムバランスと骨代謝の調節において重要な機能を実行する。Alfacalcidolは、体系のための肝臓およびローカルなD-ホルモン行動のための造骨細胞の25水酸化酵素酵素によって作動するビタミンD-ホルモンアナログである。それは、それの多形質発現の効果、例えば消化器官、骨、副甲状腺、筋肉、および脳のユニークなパターンを所有している。Alfacalcidolは、後者の最終的な腎臓活性化がネガティブなフィードバックメカニズムにより調節されるので、平易なビタミンD(コレカルシフェロール)より優れている。アルファカルシドールは骨粗鬆症の治療において広く使われるけれども、骨の行動のそのメカニズムは完全に理解されているわけではない。Alfacalcidolは、腸のカルシウム(Ca)吸収、増加尿器Ca排出、および血清と刺激し Caレベル 、副甲状腺のホルモン(PTH)分泌物を抑制する。

Orahelp®は、消毒口頭ゲルである。それは口潰瘍の様々なタイプのための効果的な救済策である。医薬品のための具体的なしるしは潰瘍 口、歯病、口の擦り傷 である。


Generic Pepcid is used for treating and preventing ulcers; treating and preventing heartburn associated with acid indigestion and sour stomach. It is also used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), conditions that cause increased acid secretion and esophagitis.

Generic Prevacid decreases the amount of acid produced in the stomach. It is used to treat and prevent stomach and intestinal ulcers, erosive esophagitis (damage to the esophagus from stomach acid) and other conditions involving excessive stomach acid such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

Generic Prilosec is used for treating heartburn or irritation of the esophagus caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It may also be used for short-term treatment of ulcers of the stomach or small intestines and to help prevent them from coming back; to treat conditions that cause your body to make too much stomach acid (eg, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome).

Generic Protonix is used to treat erosive esophagitis (damage to the esophagus from stomach acid), and other conditions involving excess stomach acid such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

Generic Reglan is used for short-term treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in certain patients who do not respond to other therapy. It is used to treat symptoms of a certain digestive problem in diabetic patients (diabetic gastroparesis).

Senna Vegie Capsules - Natural Bowel Support. Each capsule contains 325 mg Senna leaves Powder and 125 mg of extract (as dry extract) from Senna leaves ( Cassia augustifolia) (7:1) (equivalent to 875 mg of Senna leaves). When assayed these capsules contain Calcium sennosides NLT 3%. Ayurveda mentions Senna to be an excellent laxative. The same has been backed by numerous scientific studies and even modern medicine makes extensive use of Senna in their medicines. Senna brings about movements of the intestine and ensures complete Bowel evacuation. This makes it very effective in constipation.

Shatavari regulates hormonal secretion and acts as a galactogogue in nursing women. Researchers at the Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences, the University of Pune, India, also found Shatavari to be supportive of normal lymphocyte levels and immune system function.

The contents of Spirulina tablets may help in promoting energy, strength & boost immunity. Revitalising property may rejuvenate & revitalise the body & its functions. The tablets may help to increase body’s self healing properties. The antioxidant property, may help to boost immunity & protect vital organs in long standing diseases. The product stimulates metabolism, so demonstrates weight loosing properties as well.

Green Superfood contains Wheatgrass, Barleygrass, Alfalfa, Spirulina an excellent combination for daily nutritional requirements.It provides essential micronutrients Wheatgrass rich in chlorophyll is a complete food. It may help to boost immunity, increase energy levels. Also it's an excellent blood tonic. The properties of Alfalfa may help regulate bowel movements & improve digestion. Spirulina contains beta-carotene, chlorophyll & phyto-nutrients may help in producing red blood cells.

Trikatu® promotes appetite and aids healthy digestion. Piperine and gingerols, the active constituents of Trikatu, stimulate the enzyme activity that is responsible for healthy digestion. Stimulates the liver to secrete bile which is vital for fat digestion and absorption. Soothes and calms the digestive system, relieving abdominal bloating and belching. Supports the normal bioavailability of nutrients from food.

Triphala is a powerful rejuvenating and detoxifying formulation that cleanses the colon and supports the entire Gastrointestinal tract, improwing digestion, assimilation of nutrients and elimination. Triphala helps remove fat deposits and toxins from the intestines. Triphala is rich in natural Vitamin C, abundant in antioxidants and helps balance healthy acid/alkaline levels.

An immensely popular Ayurvedic herbal formula, Triphala(Terminalia chebula,Terminalia bellirica and Emblica officinalis) is an effective bowel cleanser. It combines the goodness of India. Gooseberry, Belleric Myrobalan and Chebulic Myrobalan, which work together to produce effective bowel movements. The herbal compound provides overall support for digestion and helps ensure that the digestive tract works at optimal levels. Triphala relieves constipation and regularizes the digestive system, without disrupting the fluid-electrolyte balance in the body. The herbs that make up Triphala are found in abundance in India.

Herbal Hills Triphalahills is a blend of Amla, Baheda, Harde and it is interdependently prepared and traditionally cultivated to ensure premium quality standards. Herbal Hills is one of the renowned manufacturer of herbal supplements and is committed in producing the optimum-quality herbal tablets such as Triphalahills. The standardise Triphalahills 500 mg tablet is an Ayurvedic formulation of 250 mg fruits of Triphala powder and 250 mg fruits of Triphala extract . With various nutrients and beneficial medicinal properties, these tablets may promote healthy digestion.

Turmeric, a natural source of Curcumin, is a plant native to South East Asia. It is a member of the ginger family and often used as a spice for cooking. Turmeric has been used as an Ayurvedic medicine for centuries due to its active ingredient, Curcumin, which helps support digestive health. Curcumin gives Turmeric its distinctive color.


Generic Zantac reduces the production of stomach acid. It is also used to treat ulcers of the small intestine that have not responded to other treatment.

Generic Zofran is used to prevent nausea and vomiting that may be caused by surgery or by medicine to treat cancer (chemotherapy or radiation). Ondansetron blocks the actions of chemicals in the body that can trigger nausea and vomiting.