
Abana - is a herbal product that inhibits platelet aggregation, normalizes lipid profile, also functions as anti-hypertensive and antistress product.

Alfalfa tablets have a rich source of the B complex, Vitamins plus A, C, D, E, K and Biotin. It is also a rich source of proteins and minerals. It is an excellent nutrient for the whole body & alkaloids, helps improve blood circulation. The high dietary fibers help to reduce appetite, it helps in weight reduction. High calcium helps to protect against fat accumulation thus enables fat to improve energy levels. The tablets may help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Arjuna vegie capsules for Heart Care is the best herb that helps in maintaining healthy heart (cardiac control), relieving mental stress & nervousness. Each capsule contains 250 mg Arjuna Powder and 250 mg of extract (as dry extract) from Arjuna Bark (Terminalia Arjuna) (8:1) (equivalent to 2000 mg of Arjuna Bark. When assayed these capsules contain Tannin NLT 12%, Arjunic acid 0.5%. In Ayurvedic herbalism for thousands of years, Arjuna has been historically used to improve heart function. Arjuna is considered to deliver optimum support for normal heart muscle function and coronary artery health. Terminalia Arjuna herb demonstrates antioxidant activities. This has been backed up with numerous modern scientific studies demonstrating the positive effect of its component herb to provide to support cardiovascular health and overall health and wellness. Arjuna helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.

Karela is also known as Bitter melon and botanically known as Momordica charantia. It helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. It helps to inhibit the conversion of sugar into fat, helps to manage the neural response to sweet taste stimuli. Premium Extract of bitter melon from wild crafted bitter melon fruit helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels, Helps in managing weight gain related to fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

Generic Crestor is a cholesterol-lowering medication that blocks the production of cholesterol in the body. It works by reducing levels of "bad" cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein, or LDL) and triglycerides in the blood, while increasing levels of "good" cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein, or HDL).

Guggulhills Tablet is an effective blend of herbs for Healthy Weight & Cholesterol Management. Its anti-lipidemic activity delays accumulation of fatty substances which may help in weight management and the anti-inflammatory & analgesic property may help relieve joint pain.

Haridra (Turmeric/Curcuma longa) is a vital herb in Ayurvedic medicine, whose spice form can be recognized by its dazzling yellow color. The rhizome of the herb, used either fresh or dried, has a host of medicinal benefits. It acts as a carminative and also enhances the complexion and skin tone. Apart from that, Haridra can be used to combat liver damage, respiratory disorders and ulcers.

Herbal Iron Vegetable formulation contains Beetroot, Spinach & Barley Grass which is rich source of Iron, Calcium & Beta-carotenes considered as an excellent tonic for eyes. Nitrates may help improve blood circulation and control blood pressure. As an antioxidant it has a property which may help to enhance immunity. These tablets may help to improve the health of arteries and control blood pressure.

ORGANIC INDIA Lipidcare capsules helps to maintain healthy cardio-vascular functions & normal cholesterol levels. It is an active immunomodulator & rich in antioxidants. It is made up of well know and safe lipid controlling herbs useful in prevention and treatment of raised lipid levels and their complications.

Generic Lipitor is a cholesterol-lowering drug. Your doctor may prescribe it along with a special diet if your blood cholesterol or triglyceride level is high and you have been unable to lower your readings by diet alone. The drug works by helping to clear harmful low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol out of the blood and by limiting the body's ability to form new LDL cholesterol.

リバロ(Livalo)(ピタバスタチン、pitavastatin)とは、HMG-CoA還元酵素阻害薬及び「スタチン(Statin)」という薬のグループに属します。ピタバスタチンは「善玉」コレステロール(高密度リポタンパク質、HDL)のレベルを向上させながら、血液中の中性脂肪(トリグリセリド)と「悪玉」コレステロール(低密度リポタンパク質、LDL)のレベルを低下させます。 リバロは大人に高コレステロールを治療に使用されます。コレステロールの低下は、動脈の硬化と心臓病という血管疾患、脳卒中、心臓発作に至る可能性のある状態の予防に役立つことができます。

Generic Lopid is used for treating high blood cholesterol and triglyceride.

人々は、体の内部時計を調節するために、メラトニンを使います。予定が毎日の仕事を変える人々で睡眠覚醒循環を調節するために、それが時差ぼけのために使われます。それが、盲人が1昼夜サイクルを確立するのを援助するために使われます。メラトニンが、寝入る(不眠症)ことができないことのためにも、使われます; 遅延性睡眠段階症候群(DSPS); 急速眼球運動睡眠行動障害(RBD); 注意力欠陥-活動亢進障害(ADHD)を伴う不眠症; 特定の高血圧薬物による不眠症は、ベータ受容体遮断薬を呼びました; そして、自閉症、脳性麻痺と知的な障害を含む発達上の障害の子供たちの睡眠問題。ベンゾジアゼピン薬の用法をやめた後に、そして、禁煙する副作用を減らすために、それが睡眠援助としても使われます。一部の人々は、アルツハイマー病または記憶喪失(痴呆)のためにメラトニンを使います。障害、慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)と呼ばれている肺疾患、ベータ受容体遮断薬薬に起因する不眠症、子宮内膜症のために、一部の人々はメラトニンを使います。そして、耳、落ち込みまたは季節性感情障害(SAD)、軽い精神的欠陥、アルコールを含まない肝疾患、慢性疲労症候群(CFS)、線維筋痛、絶え間ない足症候群を取り囲みます。そして、炎症性病気がサルコイドーシス、精神分裂症、片頭痛と他頭痛、年齢に関連する視力損失、良性前立腺過形成(BPH)、過敏性大腸症候群(IBS)、骨損失(骨粗鬆症)、遅行性顔面麻痺(TD)と呼ばれている運動障害と呼ばれています。酸性の逆流病、ヘリコバクターピロリ(H. pylori)、運動パフォーマンス、不妊性、癲癇、手術後の回復、麻酔に起因する動揺、ストレス、不随意運動障害(遅行性顔面麻痺)、定めることから体を起こす(姿勢の心搏急速症候群)ことに、貴社が移る心拍数の変化、精神錯乱、排尿をコントロールすることができないこと、あごの痛み、炎症性腸疾患(潰瘍性大腸炎)のための更年期(メタボリックシンドローム)のために、老化のために、そして、産児制限のために、一部の人々は、メラトニンを使います。

Bempedoic酸は、「悪玉」コレステロール (低密度リポタンパク質) の血中濃度を下げるために、食事療法や他の薬と一緒に使用されます。Bempedoic酸は、遺伝性の高コレステロールの成人に使用するためのものです。Bempedoic酸は、成人の冠動脈疾患 (動脈の詰まり) の LDL コレステロールを下げるためにも使用されます。



Green veggie formula contains: Spinach which is a rich source of dietary fiber as well as Iron which helps to treat anemia; Beet Root & Carrot containing beta-carotenes which act as the excellent tonic for eyes, skin and nerves.This formula may help to increase hemoglobin level; Cabbage contains antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties which may help enhance immunity; Methi seeds contain anti-lipidemic properties which may help to control cholesterol levels.

Generic Tricor is used for controlling high cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. It is used in combination with a diet low in cholesterol and saturated fat. Generic Tricor is a lipid-lowering agent. It lowers elevated blood triglyceride levels by making the liver produce fewer triglycerides and increasing the elimination of triglycerides from the blood stream.

Generic Zetia is used for treating high blood cholesterol along with a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet. It may be used alone or with other medicines. It is also used to treat high blood sitosterol and campesterol along with diet therapy.

Generic Zocor is used for lowering high cholesterol and triglycerides in certain patients. It is used along with an appropriate diet. It is also used in certain patients to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death due to coronary heart disease. It is also used to reduce the need for medical procedures to open blocked blood vessels. It is also used in certain patients to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, blood vessel blockage, or chest pain caused by angina.