Melonex Oral®


MeloneX® Plus錠剤は、非ステロイド性抗炎症薬(NSAID)および鎮痛薬であり、meloxicamおよびparacetamolが含まれているためです。だから、それは痛みを和らげる薬として動作します。変形性関節症、関節リウマチ、若年性関節リウマチなどの治療に使用されます。それは痛み、腫れ、発熱および赤みからの救済を提供します。
パッケージ あたり 錠剤 価格 節約 ご注文
5 dropper
¥ 3392.76
¥ 16963.79¥ 3392.76
¥ 30961.32
4 dropper
¥ 3872.01
¥ 15488.04¥ 3872.01
¥ 22852.05
3 dropper
¥ 4670.76
¥ 14012.28¥ 4670.76
¥ 14742.78
2 dropper
¥ 6268.27
¥ 12536.53¥ 6268.27
¥ 6633.51
1 dropper
¥ 9585.02
¥ 9585.02¥ 9585.02
Melonex Oral



  • Intas


  • Rheumatoid Arthritis / Osteoarthritis / Juvenile Arthritis

Melonex Oral Suspension

What is this product


Melonex Oral Suspension is used in the treatment of pain or inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis, gout and osteoarthritis in adults, contains meloxicam as an active ingredient.

How it Works

Melonex Oral Suspension is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Melonex Oral Suspension works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body.

Common Side effects

Some of the potential side effects of Melonex Oral Suspension can include the symptoms below:

  • arm, back, or jaw pain,
bleeding gums,

  • abdominal or stomach pain,

  • canker sores,

  • chest tightness or heaviness,

  • chills,

  • cloudy urine,

  • cough,

  • cramping,
dark urine,

  • blood in the urine,

  • blurred vision.